
Animal Adaptations Jeopardy Review Answer Key

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Structural and Behavioral Adaptations
#1 A lo moth's eye spots on it's wings. What is a structural adaptation?
#2 A zebras stripes help it blend in. What is a structural adaptation?
#3 Penguins huddle together to keep warm. What is a behavioral adaptation?
#4 Geese flying South for the winter. What is a behavioral adaptation?
#5 A flat, fat tail help a beaver build a dam. What is a structural adaptation?
Instinctive or Learned Behavior
#1 A spider builds a web. What is an instinctive behavior?
#2 A baby bird flies. What is a learned behavior?
#3 A monkey puts a stick in a hole to get and eat bugs. What is a learned behavior?
#4 A mother sea turtle lays her eggs on the beach and leaves. The eggs hatch and the baby sea turtles go to the ocean. What is an instinctive behavior?
#5 A bird builds a nest. What is an instinctive behavior?
Camouflage, Mimicry, and Chemical Defenses
#1 A chameleon changes colors to blend in with its surroundings. What is camouflage?
#2 A skunk sprays another animal when it gets too close and feels threatened. What is a chemical defense?
#3 One animal imitates another animal. What is mimicry?
#4 An octopus inks. What is a chemical defense?
#5 A rabbit's fur changes color in spring and winter. What is camouflage?
Hibernation and Migration
#1 Geese fly South for the winter. What is migration?
#2 Bear's are inactive during the winter. What is hibernation?
#3 When animals move from one place to another in search of food and climate change. What is migration?
#4 Frog's bury themselves in the mud when the temperatures begin to drop. What is hibernation?
#5 Chipmunks store food for the winter months and dig a hole deep into the ground for the winter months. What is hibernation?
Mammals, Amphibians, and Reptiles
#1 Turtle What is a reptile?
#2 Platypus What is a mammal?
#3 Fire belly salamander What is an amphibian?
#4 Hump back whale What is a mammal?
#5 Chameleon What is a reptile?
Final Question
Name 3 mammals, 3 reptiles, and 3 amphibians. See your teacher!