
5th grade math fraction review Answer Key

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Relating Fractions and Decimals
#1 What is the equivalent decmial for 1/4? 0.25
#2 What is the equivalent simplified fraction for 0.8? 4/5
#3 What is the equivalent simplified fraction for .007? 7/1000
#4 What is the equivalent decmial for 3/25? 0.12
#5 What is the equivalent simplified fraction for 3.56? 3 14/25
Adding Fractions
#1 What is 15/16 + 7/16? 1 3/8
#2 What is 1/4 + 5/12? 2/3
#3 What is 5 3/10 + 7 9/20? 12 3/4
#4 What is 3.25 + 3 1/2? 6 3/4
#5 What is 5 4/5 + 7 1/3 + 4 1/15? 17 1/5
Subtracting Fractions
#1 What is 5/8 - 1/8? 1/2
#2 What is 5/6 - 1/4? 7/12
#3 What is 6 5/6 - 3 2/3? 3 1/6
#4 What is 8 1/8 - 2 3/4? 5 3/8
#5 What is 15 - 7 9/42? 7 11/14l
Estimating Fractions
#1 Round to the nearest whole number: 3 2/3 4
#2 Round to the nearest 10: 44 1/3 40
#3 Estimate: 3 3/5 + 8 5/8 4 + 9 = 13
#4 Estimate: 8 9/20 - 4 7/16 8 - 4 = 4
#5 Estimate: 25 3/8 + 83 7/12 30 + 80 = 110
Properties and Word Problems
#1 Name that property: 3/5 + (9 + 3/4) = (3/5 + 9) + 3/4 Associative Property
#2 Name that property: 2/5 + 0 = 2/5 Identity Property
#3 Name that property: 9 4/5 + 10 7/8 = 10 7/8 + 9 4/5 Commutative Property
#4 Renee buys 3 7/8 yards of blue ribbon and 4 1/2 yards of red ribbon. How much ribbon does Renee buy? 8 3/8 yards of ribbon
#5 Tony bought an 8 1/2 pound bag of apples. He gave 2 1/7 pounds to his friend. How many pounds were left? 6 5/14 pounds
Final Question