
Night by Elie Wiesel Jeopardy! Answer Key

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#1 The Jews of Sighet, at first, saw nothing wrong with living here since it was 'entirely self-contained.' Ghettos
#2 It was at this enormous concentration camp that between 1 and 1.6 million people were killed. Auschwitz
#3 Elie and his family were first exposed to camp life at this reception center for Auschwitz. Birkenau
#4 This is the location of many of the workhouses and factories at which camp prisoners were forced to work. Buna
#5 It was at this camp that Juliek, the violinist from Berlin, died. Gleiwitz
#1 This is what Madame Schachter hallucinates on the train. Fire/flames
#2 Franek wants this from Elie. His gold crown (tooth)
#3 Elie's father dies of this while at Buchenwald. Dysentery
#4 This is what happens to the sick prisoners who stay behind in the camp when it is evacuated. They are liberated
#5 Elie is whipped this many times when he sees Idek with the Polish girl. 25
#1 The first name of Elie's youngest sister, who he last saw waiting in line for the gas chamber. Tzipora
#2 The first name of Elie's father, whose last word was 'Eliezer.' Chlomo
#3 The Jews of Sighet did not listen to his warnings about Holocaust atrocities. Moshe the Beadle
#4 This man's son abandons him during the death march from Buna. Rabbi Eliahou
#5 Elie lies to this relative from Antwerp, telling him his wife and child are alive and well. Stein
Big Ideas (Themes)
#1 Elie Wiesel’s Night shows that it can diminish and even fail when faced with unspeakable horror and suffering. Faith
#2 This necessity of life dominates the thoughts of most prisoners. Food
#3 This instinct compels some of the prisoners to fight even their own family members for food and other resources. Survival/self-preservation
#4 Many prisoners face this internal conflict in their struggle to survive in such dehumanizing and horrible conditions. Civility vs. savagery (whether or not to justify inhumanity in the name of self-preservation)
#5 This type of relationship is important to Elie, who sees it as a source of strength while in the camps. Father-son relationship
#1 A camp prisoner put in charge of other prisoners. Kommandos
#2 The Jewish New Year is called this. Rosh Hashannah
#3 An especially weak or emaciated prisoner. Muselman
#4 This is a person or group blamed for the problems of an entire society. Scapegoat
#5 This German word, meaning 'protection squadron,' is what SS stands for. Schutzstaffel
Final Question
State the difference between the actions of Meir (no last name) and Meir Katz. Remember that these are two different characters! Meir killed his own father for a piece of bread. Meir Katz saved Elie from being strangled for a piece of bread.