
Passive Voice Quiz Answer Key

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#1 Who directed Pulp Fiction? Quentin Tarantino
#2 Where was Life is Beautiful produced? Italy
#3 Where was The Lord of the Rings filmed? New Zealand
#4 Who directed 2001: A Space Odyssey? Stanley Kubrik
#1 Who wrote Hamlet? Shakespeare
#2 Who wrote Moby #!!##!!##!!##!!#? Melville
#3 Who wrote Crime and Punishment? Dostoyevsky
#4 Who wrote Frankenstein? Shelly
#1 Who painted the Mona Lisa? Leonardo da Vinci
#2 Who painted Starry Night? Van Gogh
#3 Who painted Guernica? Picasso
#4 Who painted The Scream? Munsch
#1 Who invented the light bulb? Edison
#2 Who invented the telephone? Who invented the flying machine? Bell
#3 Who invented the flying machine? Wright Brothers
#4 Who invented the radio? Marconi
#1 Who discovered the law of gravity? Newton
#2 Who discovered E=mc2? Einstein
#3 Who discovered the moons of Jupiter? Galileo
#4 Who discovered radioactivity? Curie
Final Question
Who sank the Russian fleet in 1905? Japanese