
Christmas Vacation Answer Key

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#1 What is Clark's middle initial? W
#2 What team is on Clark's hat? Chicago Bears
#3 What does Clark do for a living? Food Additive Designer
#4 What magazine is Clark reading in bed with sticky sap on his fingers? People Magazine (a picture of the director of the movie has been put on the cover)
#5 What Kind of mug is Clark drinking out of when he talks to his boss? Tasmanian Devil
Cousin Eddie
#1 What is Eddie's dog's name? Snot
#2 Eddie introduces the dog as their _____ and _____ ? Pride and Joy
#3 What is the name of the son with the lip fungus? Rocky
#4 Clark's boss's wife describes Eddie as ______ and _______ Bulging and Beastly
#5 What is the name of Eddie's youngest daughter? Ruby Sue
Holiday Cheer
#1 Where are the lights on the house imported from? Italy
#2 How many twinkling lights are on the house? 25,000
#3 What song to the characters sing at the end of the movie? The Star Spangled Banner
#4 What are Clark and Eddie drinking egg nog out of? Moose Mug (antler is the handle)
#5 What is Rusty watching when the grandparents arrive? It's a Wonderful Life
Supporting Characters
#1 What is the name of Clark's wife? Ellen
#2 What is the name of Clark's mom? Nora
#3 What actor in Christmas Vacation also appeared in both Seinfeld and Everybody loves Raymond? Doris Roberts (Clark's Mother-in-Law)
#4 What is the name of the messenger service that brings Clark his bonus? Speed ball
#5 What is the name of Audrey's boyfriend? Alexander (Alexander called and Grandpa said I couldn't come to the phone because I was going to the bathroom)
#1 What kind of vehicle does the Griswold family drive? Ford Taurus Station Wagon
#2 Who are the Griswold's yuppie neighbors? Todd and Margo
#3 Name 3 animals that made an appearance at the Griswold home on Christmas Eve Dog, Cat, Squirrel
#4 Clark invented a non-nutritive _______ __________ that preserves freshness. Cereal Varnish
#5 What did the lead police officer wish he had to beat Clark's boss with on Christmas Eve? Rubber Hose
Final Question
What are the last 3 words of the movie? I did it !