
5th grade reading jeopardy Answer Key

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Text Features
#1 Where would you find the page number of a chapter in a book? Table of Contents
#2 What are words that explain a picture of an illustration? Caption
#3 Words that are in bold often are....... important or emphasized
#4 Large bold print at the beginning of in sections of an article. Heading
#5 Smaller Bold Print during an article such as in Scholastic News. Subheading
Story Structure
#1 What is the setting of the story. There where and when it takes place.
#2 What is another name for a problem in a story? Conflict
#3 What is the name of the 'turning point' or when things change for the main character? Climax
#4 When does the resolution of a story usually occur. near or at the end
#5 What is the resolution? how the problem/conflict is resolved.
Author's Purpose
#1 How can we remember the 3 types of author's purpose? P I E Persuade, inform, Entertain
#2 If an article is trying to convince someone with facts and opinions what is the author's purpose. to persuade
#3 Fiction books and poetry are usually written for which purpose? to entertain
#4 Text books and cook books are written for what purpose? to inform
#5 What is the author's purpose for writing Scholastic News? to inform
Fact and Opinion
#1 There will be a presidential election in 2012. Fact
#2 5D will have two representatives in the spelling bee. Fact
#3 5D's spellers will be the best ones in the spelling bee. Opinion
#4 This is the mildest winter in a long time. Opinion
#5 President is Barack Obama is the 44th President. Fact
prefixes and suffixes
#1 Copilot means..... To pilot with or together with someone.
#2 To enthrone means...... to put onto the throne
#3 In the sentence, 'Her coat was a greenish color.' Greenish means 'like' green, or having the look of green
#4 to deodorize means..... to remove odor
#5 to be flexible means....... can flex, or is able to flex
Final Question
Acceptance means...... the act of accepting