
Text Features by Guardiani Answer Key

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In your Text Book
#1 Found in the beginnig of a book and lists the topics along with their page numbers. Table of Contents
#2 Found in the back of a book and lists the key names and terms along with their page numbers. Index
#3 Found in the back of the book and has an alphabetical list of the key terms and their definitions. Glossary
#4 Tells the reader the topic, or the main idea of the text. Title
#5 The person or persons who wrote the book and the person or persons who created the illustrations Author and Illustrator
#1 Map
#3 Table
#5 Photograph
#2 Close-up
#1 Key terms or phrases are written darker than the rest of the text. Bold
#2 Key terms or phrases are written slanted to signal to the reader that is important. Italics
#3 Provides more information about a topic than is in a text about a topic. It usually is written in a box. Text Box
#4 Explains what is shown in a picture or illustration. Caption
#5 These divide the text into sections and then give the main idea of that section. Subheadings
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