
Constitution Jeopardy Game #1 Answer Key

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Constitutional Principles
#1 A balanced share of powers between state and national government. Federalism
#2 Divides the powers of the national/federal government into 3 separate branches. Separation of Powers
#3 The US Constitution or any national law is the top law in the land. National Supremacy
#4 We the people . . . or consent of the governed or the people own the government. Popular Sovereignty
#5 No one is above the law, not even our president or the judges. Rule of Law
#1 This compromise designed representation in the legislative branch. Great Compromise
#2 Unfortunately this horrible compromise related to slavery was made in order to get the Southern states to agree with the Constitution. 3/5th Compromise
#3 Compromise made for how we select our executive leader. Electoral College Compromise
#4 This was later added to the Constitution because the Anti-Federalists insisted on it or they would not sign the Constitution. Bill of Rights
#5 The original name given to the Great Compromise. Connecticut Compromise
Terms associated with Federalism
#1 Powers specifically given to the Federal government. Delegated
#2 According to the 10th amendment there are certain powers set aside for the states. Reserved
#3 These are powers that both the federal and state governments can do. Concurrent
#4 The Arkansas governor claimed he could keep the Little Rock 9 out of the white school because of his reserved power to? Maintain schools
#5 Only the federal government can make treaties or discuss solutions with other countries. We refer to this as our? Foreign Policy
Limited Government
#1 This limits each branch of federal government from gaining too much power. Checks and Balances
#2 These specific limitations on government are written as amendments to the original Constitution. Bill of Rights
#3 This is the part of the Constitution outlining what type of laws Congress can not make. Article I Section 9
#4 Your right to appear before a judge can not be taken away except under special war time circumstances. Writ fo Habeas Corpus
#5 You can not be arrested for doing something today that a year from now will be against the law. Ex post facto laws
Changing the Constitution
#1 What is the term for a written change to the Constitution. Amendments
#2 How amendments have been added to the Constitution 27
#3 According to Article V in order to amend the Constitution it needs to pass in Congress by ________ and __________ in the state legislatures. 2/3 Congress and 3/4 State Legislatures
#4 Another way to change the Constitution is through the ______________ of the courts. Interpretation
#5 Which Supreme Court case changed the interpretation of the 14th amendment made by Plessy v. Fergusen? Brown v. Board of Education
Final Question
What is the only Constitutional amendment that was ratified by convention in the states? 21st Amendment (repealing the 18th amendment that banned the sale of alcohol.)