
Prefixes and Suffixes Answer Key

Play This Game

#1 Identify the prefix in superstar super-
#2 Give the meaning of non- Not
#3 What prefix means before? pre-
#4 Give the meaning of the prefix un not
#5 Which prefix means not, opposite of? dis-
#1 Identify the prefix in the word disagree dis-
#2 Give the meaning of the prefix con together or with
#3 Identify the prefix in the word nonsense non-
#4 Give the meaning of the prefix dis- not, opposite of
#5 Give the meaning of the word antiwar Against war
#1 Identify the suffix in the word careful. -ful
#2 Identify the suffix in the word poisionous -ous
#3 Name the suffix that means without -less
#4 Give the suffix that means a state of ness
#5 Give the meaning of the suffix ist someone who
#1 Identify the suffix in the word conversation -tion
#2 Identify the suffix in the word swimming -ing
#3 Name the suffix that means full of. -ful
#4 Give the meaning of the suffix -ment act or condition of
#5 Give the meaning of suffix- ist someone who
Give An Example
#1 -ing
#2 non-
#3 pre-
#4 -ment
#5 dis-
Final Question
What is an additional element placed at the beginning or end of a root, stem, or word, or in the body of a word, to modify its meaning? Affix