
7 sacraments Answer Key

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#1 First humans on Earth Who are Adam and Eve?
#2 Man who baptised Jesus Who is John the Baptist?
#3 First book of the Bible What is Genesis?
#4 The first Pope Who was Peter?
#5 Number of days it took God to make the Earth What is 6?
Baptism and Confirmation
#1 Washed away when baptised What is original sin?
#2 Kind of Sacrament Baptism and Confirmation are What are Sacraments of Initiation?
#3 Prayer professing our faith What is a Creed?
#4 Describe chrism What is a special oil used by priests during special Sacraments?
#5 Holiday when adult baptisms are celebrated What is Easter Vigil?
The Eucharist
#1 Give another name for the Eucharist Many answers
#2 Where the dead wait before going to heaven What is Purgatory?
#3 What are the two main parts of mass What are the Liturgy of the Word and the Liturgy of the Eucharist?
#4 People included in the Communion of Saints Who are all the followers of Jesus, both living and dead?
#5 When you must be in a state of grace What is before receiving the Eucharist?
Reconciliation and Anointing of the Sick
#1 The animal that tempted Adam and Eve in the garden of Eden What is a serpent?
#2 What God will always give if you are truly sorry What is forgiveness?
#3 The prayer said during Reconciliation What is the Act of Contrition?
#4 The number of times Annointing of the Sick may be given What is as many times as needed? ask specifics
#5 Name 7 of the Ten Commandments List
Holy Orders and Matrimony
#1 The leader of the Catholic church Who is the Pope?
#2 The succesors of the Apostles What is a bishop?
#3 Kind of sacrament Holy Orders and Matrimony are What are Sacraments of Vocation or Service?
#4 Explain the order of the clergy in the church Pope, Cardinal, Bishop, Pastor, Priest, Deacon, People
#5 Promise made between a married couple What are vocations
Final Question
Name the Seven Sacraments and group them into 3 appropriate groups Initiation: Baptism, Confirmation, Eucharist ; Healing: Reconciliation and Annointing of the Sick ; Vocation: Matrimony and Holy Orders