
Plate Tectonics Answer Key

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Continental Drift
#1 Scientist who came up with the hypothesis of continental drift Who is Wegener?
#2 Continents drifted to their current locations What is continental drift?
#3 Evidence such as the continents' puzzle-like fit and similar ________ were found on different continents What are fossils?
#4 These type of clues are evidence of tropical plants in polar regions and glacial deposits in tropical regions What are climate clues?
#5 Mesosaurus fossils were found in South America and ________ What is Africa?
Seafloor Spreading
#1 The scientist who came up with the theory of sea floor spreading Who is Hess?
#2 __________ was used to discovered mountain ranges in the middle of many oceans What are sound waves/sonar?
#3 Magma rises at mid-ocean ridges because it is _______ dense What is less?
#4 The location of the youngest rocks on the seafloor What is mid-ocean ridge?
#5 Magnetic field ___________ are found on each side of mid-ocean ridges What are reversals?
Plate Interactions
#1 Boundary where plates move together What is convergent?
#2 Boundary where plates move apart What is divergent?
#3 Boundary where plates slide past each other with little up or down movement What is transform?
#4 Boundary where plates with different densities collide and the denser plate sinks under the less dense plate What is a subduction zone?
#5 The driving force behind plate movements What are convection currents?
#1 All the continents were once joined together What is pangaea?
#2 Earth's crust and part of the upper mantle are broken into sections What are plates?
#3 The rigid layer where the plates are located What is the lithosphere?
#4 The plastic-like layer that the lithosphere moves on What is the asthenosphere?
#5 Differences in temperature cause these types of currents to flow What are convection currents?
#1 Type of valley left when plates diverge What is a rift?
#2 Fault-block ____________ formed at both convergent and divergent plate boundaryies What are mountains?
#3 Earthquakes and ___________ are common along plate boundaries What are volcanoes?
#4 The San Andreas fault in California is this type of plate boundary What is a transform boundary?
#5 Two continental plates (similar density) colliding will cause these to form because they What are folded mountains?
Final Question
Wegener was a _______________ (type of scientist) What is a meteorologist?