
ELA Jeopardy Answer Key

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Figurative Language
#1 Hyperbole What is an extreme exaggeration
#2 Personification Giving objects, ideas or animals human characteristics
#3 Metaphor Comparing two unlike things without using like or as
#4 Onomatopoeia A word that sounds like the word it describes
#5 Simile Comparing two unlike things using like or as
Story Elements
#1 B.M.E. Beginning, middle and end
#2 Setting Where the story takes place
#3 Protagonist The main character or the good guy
#4 1st Person Narrative When the main character tells the story
#5 Foreshadowing Clues the author uses to show what will happen next
Modes of Writing
#1 Expository Authors intent is to inform
#2 Narrative Authors intent is to entertain
#3 Descriptive Author's intent is to have you visualize what is being said.
#4 Persuasive Author's intent is to convince you to agree with their point of view
#5 Commercial Another form of persuasive writing
Commonly Misspelled Words
#1 Unappropiate Inappropriate
#2 Priviledge Privilege
#3 Libary Library
#4 Noticable Noticeable
#5 Extrodinary Extraordinary
Types of Sentences
#1 Imperative Sentence Gives a command or makes a request and ends with a period.
#2 Exclamatory Sentence Shows strong feeling and ends with an exclamation point
#3 Declarative Sentence Makes a statement and ends with a period.
#4 Interrogative Sentence Asks a question and ends with a question mark.
#5 Quotation Marks Punctuation marks used to enclose the exact words of a speaker or a certain title.
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