
General Chemistry Jeopardy Game 1 Answer Key

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Naming ions and compounds
#1 Two or more compounds that have the same molecular formula but different arrangements of atoms are called? Isomers
#2 What is the name of the following polyatomic anion with a minus 1 charge? ClO3 chlorate
#3 A 6-member hydrocarbon ring containing only single bonds is called? cyclohexane
#4 Name the following compound. Ca(HCO3)2 Calcium hydrogen carbonate
#5 Name the following compound. CH3CH2OH ethanol
Ions and Compounds
#1 Organic compounds always contain? carbon
#2 What is the molecular formula for Dinitrogen pentoxide? N2O5
#3 Substances that conduct electricity when dissolved in water are called? electrolytes
#4 What is the formula for the compound created from magnesium and oxygen? MgO
#5 What are the two likely oxidative states for copper? +1 and +2
#1 In the reaction H2 (g) + Cl2 (g) forms 2 HCl (g), the symbol (g) indicates what? the physical state of the reactants and products, in this case gases
#2 How many molecules are in a mole of sugar? 6.022 EE23
#3 Iron and molecular chlorine react to form iron chloride (assume an oxidative environment). What is the formula for the product? FeCl3
#4 In the balanced equation for the reaction of pentane and molecular oxygen, what are the coefficients for the products CO2 and H2O? 5 CO2 and 6 H2O
#5 Hydrogen and oxygen react to form water. If a mixture containing 100 grams of each is ignited, which is the limiting reagent? oxygen
The Periodic Table
#1 Group 1 elements are called? Alkali metals
#2 What are the 2 principle elements in the Earth's crust? silicon and oxygen
#3 What are the 4 building block elements in the human body? hydrogen, oxygen, carbon, and nitrogen
#4 What is the block of elements in periodic table that is most likely to have elements forming variable charges on their cations? Transition elements
#5 Where on the peridic table would you be likely to find a gas whose molecules consis of single atoms? The noble gases, or Group 8 or the right side
Formulas and Equations
#1 Formulas such as CH3CH2OH that show how the atoms are grouped together are called? Condensed formulas
#2 A distinctive grouping of atoms that characterizes an organic molecule is a? functional group
#3 What is the molar mass of CaCO3? 100g/mole
#4 How many moles are in 46.1g NH4Cl? 0.862 moles
#5 What is the percent by mass of sodium in table salt? 39.35%
Final Question
A compound containing only carbon and hydrogen is burned and produces 1.481 g CO2 and 0.303 g H2O? What is its empirical formula? C1H1 or CH