
Volcano Review Answer Key

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Layers of the Earth
#1 The layer of the earth that we live on The crust
#2 The Mohorovicic Discontinuity separates these two layers. Mantle, crust
#3 Which layer is plastic, and what does plastic mean? Mantle- solid but flows like liquid
#4 What specific layer do the plates of the crust float on? Asthenosphere
#5 The state of matter of the layer that is under the most intense pressure. Solid (the inner core)
Continental Drift and Plate Tectoncis
#1 When Pangaea split, where would you find Laurasia? In the North
#2 What is a continental shelf? The real edge of a continent under the water
#3 Which general type of plate boundary has subduction? Convergent
#4 Why do transform boundaries create the most earthquakes? The plates grind past each other, get stuck, build pressure, and release
#5 Draw an example of oceanic-oceanic convergence and what forms as a result. Two plates colliding under water. Forms island arcs.
#1 Where do most earthquakes occur? At plate boundaries
#2 What scale measures the size of the earthquake? Richter
#3 What does the 'intensity' of an earthquake refer to? The amount of damage caused
#4 What is a seismogram? The paper recording of the earthquake
#5 Draw a piece of the earth. Mark a possible focus and epicenter. Focus is under the crust, epicenter is directly above it.
#1 Draw a simple volcano and label the magma chamber. Where the magma collects.
#2 What two things are the magma of explosive eruptions high in? silica and water
#3 What type of volano is most common in Hawaii? Shield
#4 Krakatoa would be considered what kind of volcano in terms of activity levels? Active
#5 What is lapilli? A type of tephra
#1 Scientist who studied seismologic data and found that the Earth's density varied. Andrija Mohorovicic
#2 When did Wegner believe that Pangaea was all one continent? (which era) Mesozoic
#3 How is a scientific theory different from a 'regular' theory? Based on evidence, cannot be proven
#4 At what rate do most plates spread apart in terms of divergent boundaries? 2 cm/year
#5 How does Paleomagnetism support continental drift and the idea of Pangaea? In current positions, metals in rocks do not point to a common north, but if you put them together, they do.
Final Question
Name four out of the six gases that tend to come from volcanoes. water vapor, carbon dioxide, sulfur dioxide, nitrogen, hydrogen sulfide, chlorine