
Electronegativity and Polarity Answer Key

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#1 What is electron affinity? How likely an atom is to accept electrons
#2 What is electronegativity? The ability of an atom to attract electrons during chemical reactions.
#3 What is the electronegativity trend? Decreasing down the family, increasing from left to right along the periods.
#4 What is an element with an electronegativity difference smaller than 1.7? The atom is mostly ionic.
#5 What is a polar covalent bond? A molecule with unequal sharing of electrons.
#1 What are van der Waal forces? The weak attraction forces between covalent bonds.
#2 What is a dipole-dipole force? The force between the positive and negative ends of two polar molecule.
#3 What do the weak attraction forces result in? Relatively low melting and boiling points.
#4 What is a dispersion force also known as? Induced dipole.
#5 What is solidity based on? van der Waal forces
#1 What are polar and ionic compounds usually soluble in? Polar substances.
#2 What is polarity determined by? The shape of the molecule.
#3 What are the only substance non-polar compounds are soluble in? Non-polar substances.
#4 If an molecule's electronegativity difference is between .4 and 1.7, what is it? Polar covalent.
#5 If a molecule's electronegativity difference is 0, what is it? Non-polar covalent.
Covalent bonds
#1 What strength of bonds do covalent bonds have? Strong
#2 What strength of attraction do covalent bonds have? Weak
#3 What do solid covalent bonds arrange themselves in? A crystal lattice
#4 If a molecule's electronegativity difference is bigger than .4, what is it? Mostly covalent
#5 What do most covalent bonds exist as? Gases?
Random Review
#1 What is a covalent bond? A bond where electrons are shared.
#2 What is an ionic bond? A bond where electrons are given and take.
#3 What is an ion? An atom with a charge.
#4 What is a positively charged particle? Proton
#5 What is a negatively charged particle? Electron
Final Question
What is the formula for mass number? Protons + Neutrons