
Duvall_Middle Ages Quiz 2 Review Answer Key

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#1 Feudalism grew out of people's need for protection from what? invaders
#2 Name for a portion of land given to a noble fief
#3 Literally means 'slave' and refers to a peasant farmer serf
#4 Basic unit of land which could be watched over by a single knight manor
#5 Define feudalism feudalism = a political, economic, and social system in land was given in exchange for services
Daily Life in the Middle Ages
#1 Gentle mythical beasts that could only be tamed, it was believed, by young girls unicorns
#2 Dragons were believed to represent 'what' that people encountered in their daily lives? evil
#3 Trade fairs were at first celebrations of what? Chuch holy days
#4 Reading and writing in Latin would have been taught at this type of medieval school grammar school
#5 People in the early Middle Ages did not use money and did 'this' instead to get goods bartered
The Crusades
#1 What city was the focus of the Crusades? Jerusalem
#2 Which pope initiated the Crusades? Pope Urban II
#3 What were Crusades promised for their service salvation/ticket to heaven
#4 Which period of time did the Crusades occur: Early, High, or Late Middle Ages High Middle Ages
#5 What was the main outcome of the First Crusade? Christian crusaders captured Jerusalem
The Plague
#1 Where did the Plague come from? China/Asia
#2 What helped to carry and spread the Plague throughout Europe? fleas (on rats)
#3 What were some methods for treating the plague? charms, herbs, bloodletting
#4 Why was it called the 'bubonic' plague? After the swollen 'buboes' that appeared on the body
#5 Although we don't know exactly how many, what percentage range is estimated to have died from the Plague in the Middle Ages? 25-50% of European population
Legacy of the Middle Ages
#1 What is ONE medieval invention that helped improve agriculture? plow, horse collar, or horseshoes
#2 'Beowulf' and 'The Song of Roland' are medieval examples of literary genre? poetry (specifically 'epic' poetry)
#3 What two stages (in order) would a boy have to go through in order to become a knight? page, then squire
#4 A knight's code of conduct, such as bravery and mercy, was known collectively as what? chivalry
#5 What were the 2 main objectives of the Magna Carta? 1) to provide a list of rights for nobles, 2) require to king to follow the law
Final Question
What church in Jerusalem, which played a role in the Crusades, sets atop the spot many Christians believe Jesus was crucified? The Church of the Holy Sepulchre aka the Church of the Resurrection