
Poetry Review Answer Key

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#1 A tongue twister is a good way to remember what alliteration is yes
#2 is the following an example of alliteration; the whispering wind blew passed by window yes
#3 give the definition of alliteration when the beginning of a word repeats 2- 3 or more times
#4 True or False. Alliteration is used for figurative language True
#5 Give your own example of alliteration answers may vary
#1 Is the following statement and example of personification? She is hungry like a wolf. no, it is an example of a simile.
#2 Define personification gives human qualities to non-human things
#3 What is being personified in the following statement? The cool water was calling my name. the water; looked refreshing on a hot day
#4 Explain what this statement really means (literal). My computer hates me. The computer isn't working properly.
#5 Give your own example of personification. Answers will vary
#1 True or False? Gargle is an example of onomatopoeia. True
#2 Can onomatopoeia be considered to be figurative language? yes
#3 Identify the examples of onomatopoeia in the following sentence. The woman gasped when the vase crashed to the floor. gasped, crashed
#4 define Onomatopoeia words used to describe/imitate a sound
#5 give a statement with two of your own examples of onomatopoeia Answers will vary
#1 True or False? A simile compares two like things using like or as. False; compares two UNLIKE things using like or as.
#2 Identify the two things being compared in following sentence. Sally was a pretty as a peacock. Sally/peacock
#3 Explain the meaning of simile in the following sentence. My grandfather is as wise as an owl. Grandfather is wise and knowledgable
#4 Define metaphor. Metaphors are comparisions of two unlike things not using the words like or as.
#5 Give a statment with your own example of a simile. Answers will vary.
#1 How many lines does a diamante poem contain? seven
#2 True or false? A Haiku has 17 syllables and three lines. True
#3 What parts of speech are used in a diamante poem? noun, verb, adjective
#4 True of False? A Haiku is a rhyming poem? False
#5 How do you pick the subject for a diamante poem? They are opposites
Final Question
Define figurative language s when the writer/speaker describes something through unusual comparisons for effect, interest, and to make things clear.