
Unit 7 Answer Key

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Vocab 1
#1 A large arc of rich, or fertile farm land Fertile Crescent
#2 Land with different territories and people under single rule Empire
#3 The division on a society by rank and class Social Hierarchy
#4 A pyramid shaped temple tower Ziggurat
#5 A set of 282 laws that dealt with almost every part of daily life Hammurabi’s Code
Vocab 2
#1 Long Poems that tell stories of heroes Epics
#2 Consisted of a city and all the countryside around it. City-State
#3 A way of supplying water to an area of land. Irrigation
#4 The world’s first system of writing Cuneiform
#5 The ruler of a kingdom Monarch
Ancient Mesopotamia
#1 Belief in many gods polytheistic
#2 was the king of the city-state of Babylon. About 1800BC, He conquered the nearby city-states and created the kingdom of Babylonia Hammurabi
#3 Laws engraved in stone and placed in a public location. Hammurabi's Code
#4 The ruling family was at what level of the class system Highest Level
#5 What level were the peasant farmers at. Bottom Level
#1 the Sumerians had invented the earliest known form of writing called cuneiform
#2 The Sumerians employed a sharp-pointed instrument- called a stylus
#3 were society’s record keepers and served the needs of the temple, royal government and businesses. Scribes
#4 There were _____ different characters to memorize 600
#5 Most scribes were ________ of government officials, priests and wealthy merchants children
#1 Sumerians developed this in 3250 BCE Cuneiform Writing
#2 Sumerians first used this to help with tranportation in 3250 Wheel
#3 Hammurabi writes this in 1758 Hammurabi's Code
#4 First know civiliation of people in 3500 BCE. Sumerians
#5 Epic of ______ Gilgamesh
Final Question