
Christopher Columbus Answer Key

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Important People/Places
#1 Who was the King of Spain? King Ferdinand
#2 Who was the Queen of Spain Queen Isabella
#3 Who was the famous explorer who discovered the New World? Christopher Columbus
#4 What were men called who robbed from ships? Pirates
#5 What was another name for the sea? Sea of Darkness
#1 What did Columbus' parents want him to do? weaver
#2 How many months did Columbus sail the sea? 3 months
#3 Why were camel caravans not good ideas? were robbed and travel through many countries
#4 Name atleast 3 items people wanted to buy from the Indies? pearls, gold, silk, spices
#5 What was the date Columbus stepped foot on the new world? October 12, 1492
Important Places
#1 King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella ruled what country? Spain
#2 What was another name for India, China, Japan, and the Spice Islands? Indies
#3 What did Columbus name the island? San Slavador
#4 Columbus claimed the island for what country? Spain
#5 What are the names of Columbus's ships? Nina, Pinta, and the Santa Maria
#1 What name did the King and Queen give Columbus? Admiral of the Sea
#2 How many months did Columbus sail in the Sea of Darkness? 3 months
#3 What two things made Columbus believe land was near? Saw land birds and a carved stick
#4 How many trips did he make to the new word? 4
#5 Did Columbus find the Indies? No
Final Question