
Touching Spirit Bear Answer Key

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Circle Justice
#1 A place where people in trouble go to begin healing Circle Justice
#2 The way people were able to speak during Circle Justice They passed around a feather
#3 What Cole wanted his mother to say when she held the feather That Cole's father had beat him
#4 After he recovers from the attack, most members of the circle feel that this should happen to Cole He should go to jail
#5 Where the Circle Justice meetings were held In the basement of the public library
The Island
#1 When Cole finally found the baby birds, what had happened to them They had died
#2 Why wouldn't Garvey or Edwin help Cole build the new cabin Cole had burned the first one down- it was his responsibility to build a new one
#3 This person comes to live with Cole on the island Peter Driscal
#4 What the boys carve together at the bottom of the totem pole A perfect circle
#5 The island was located here Alaska
#1 How Cole dealt with his hunger when he first got on the island He found half a fish and ate it
#2 While Cole is starving and can't move, he catches and eats this A mouse
#3 The reason 'the whole world is a hot dog' Life is what you make it- even a hot dog can be special
#4 The first dance Cole chooses to do on the island The Spirit Bear dance
#5 Garvey's nickname for Cole that Cole hates Champ
Edwin and Garvey
#1 The secret that Cole tells Garvey about his dad That he beats Cole
#2 The contents of the brown paper bag that Garvey brings to Cole The ingredients to make a cake
#3 What Cole did when Edwin and Garvey drove away from the island the first time He threw rocks and cried
#4 The new experience that Edwin introduces to Cole in the mornings Soaking in the pond
#5 What Garvey does for a living Probation officer
The Spirit Bear
#1 The new information that Edwin tells the circle about white bears That one had been seen
#2 The injuries Cole suffers from the Spirit Bear A broken and and gashes to his chest
#3 What the Spirit Bear does when Cole charges him He stands his ground and doesn't move
#4 What Cole takes form the Spirit Bear to prove he was telling the truth a piece of his fur
#5 What Cole has to do in order to see the Spirit Bear He has to 'become invisible'
Final Question
The city Cole comes from Minneapolis