
Simplifying Radical Review Answer Key

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Square Roots
#1 These have two factors that are identical What are perfect squares?
#2 The square root of 169 What is 13?
#3 The square root of x to the 2nd power What is x?
#4 Another name for the square root symbol is this What is a radical?
#5 The square root of (36x^4 y^6 ) What is 6x^2 y^3?
Simplifying radicals
#1 The product property of square roots says the square root of x times y is equal to this What is the square root of x times square root of y?
#2 The simplifed version of the square root of (12) is this What is 2 root 3?
#3 The simplifed version of the square root of (8w^4 ) is this What is 2w^2 root 2?
#4 The simplified version of the square root of (28w^6 ) is this. What is 2w^3 root (7)?
#5 We can't simplify the square root of (-9) because it is not this What is 'a real number'?
Exponent Review
#1 The rule for multiplying with the same base says I need to do this to the exponents What is add them?
#2 When I have an exponential number raised to a power, I do this to the exponents What is multiply them?
#3 To make a negative exponent positive, I do this What is flip it or do the reciprocal?
#4 The solution to (4) to the (-3) power What is 1/64?
#5 The solution to the product of (2 times y to the 2nd power) What is 4 y to the 2nd power?
#1 The solution to w in this equation: 2w + 3 = 13 What is w=5?
#2 2, 3, -1, 4, -12, and 0 are examples of this type of number What are integers?
#3 The solution to the absolute value of the sum of 5 and (-15) What is 10?
#4 The property illustrated by this problem: 4(2 - 3) = (4x2) - (4x3) What is the distributive property?
#5 Rational numbers are defined as numbers that can be written as this in which the numerator and denominator are both integers What is a quotient or fraction?
Final Question
Simplify the square root of 6 root 45 w to the 2nd power What is 1620