
5th Grade Noun Review Answer Key

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Common Nouns
#1 Identify the common nouns in the sentence. Mr. Sherlock Holmes is a famous fictional detective. detective
#2 Identify the common nouns in the sentence. His ship came from Florida. ship
#3 Identify the common nouns in the sentence. The beach is sandy. beach
#4 Identify the common nouns in the sentence. He collected shells in a bucket on the beach. shells, beach, bucket
#5 Identify the common nouns in the sentence. Lisa wrote messages with paint from berries on paper. message, paint, berries, paper
Proper Nouns
#1 Identify the proper nouns in the sentence. A trip to Cancun is great fun. Cancun
#2 Identify the proper nouns in the sentence. Central America and South America were reached. Central America, South America
#3 Identify the proper nouns in the sentence. Eat N' Park and the Olive Garden are great restraunts. Eat N' Park, Olive Garden
#4 Identify the proper nouns in the sentence. Elizabeth Smith played the piano and the trumpet. Elizabeth Smith
#5 Identify the proper nouns in the sentence. I live in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania. Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania
Plural Nouns
#1 What is the plural form of storm storms
#2 What is the plural form of branch branches
#3 What is the plural form of strawberry strawberries
#4 What is the plural form of grass grasses
#5 What is the plural form of calf calves
More Plural Nouns
#1 What is the plural form of foot feet
#2 What is the plural form of deer deer
#3 What is the plural form of roof rrofs
#4 What is the plural form of hereo hereoes
#5 What is the plural form of tomato tomatoes
Common or Proper Nouns
#1 Is this noun common or proper? Tuesday, January 20 Proper
#2 Is this noun common or proper? desk common
#3 Is this noun common or proper? Pittsburgh Postgazette proper
#4 Is this noun common or proper? Mississipi River proper
#5 Is this noun common or proper? school common
Final Question
What is the difference between a common and proper noun? A common noun names names a general person, place, thing, or idea and a proper noun names a specific person, place, thing, or idea.