
Africa Chapter 18 and 19 Answer Key

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It's All in a Name
#1 Nigerian writer who won Nobel prize in literature. Who is Wole Soyinka
#2 The white S. African president who helped to repeal many apartheid laws Who is F.W. Klerk
#3 The warlike people led by Shaka who conquered territory in S. Africa Who are the Zulu?
#4 He was a leader of the struggle against apartheid Who is Nelson Mandela?
#5 I am a ruin of a gigantic stone struture built by the Shona. What is Great Zimbabwe?
#1 Organization designed to promote economic cooperation among W. Africans What is ECOWAS?
#2 The way of life where people survive by raising grazing animals What is pastoralism
#3 Crop raised for sale. What is cash crop?
#4 Most people in Western and Central Africa are What is farmers?
#5 Standard crop grown by subsistence farmers in Western and Central Africa What is millet?
Who am I?
#1 They established many of the borders of modern African nations Who are the Europeans rulers?
#2 Education is valued so in this country that people set up schools called harambee schools What is Kenya?
#3 This organization is designed to promote unity among all Africans What is OAU?
#4 What agricutural practice is for producing food for one's household? What is subsistence farming?
#5 The overthorwing of a government by force? what is a coup d'etat?
African Ethnic Groups
#1 This ethnic group lives mostly in SW Nigeria What is Yoruba?
#2 Which ethnic group lives mostly in Northern Nigeria? Who are the Hausa?
#3 The descendants of the Dutch settlers of Cape Town Who are the Afrikaners?
#4 Many people in Kenya speak this laguage? What is Swahili?
#5 Which ethnic group in Nigeria tried to establish the republic of Biafra? Who are the Igbo?
Power of the People
#1 Which describes the decision-maker in an oligarchy? What is a group of powerful leaders?
#2 In a Unitary government who hold most of the power? What is the central government?
#3 in a command economy, how are economic decision made? What is planned and regulated by government
#4 In a market economy, how are economic decision made? What is consumers?
#5 Under Kwame Nekrumah, Ghana was the first country in Africa to have? What is primary education?
Final Question
What upset the balance of life in Lake Victoria? What is the Nile Pearch?