
cell structure review Answer Key

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Basic cell information
#1 What Prokaryotes not have. What is a Nucleus?
#2 This kind of cell contains a nucleus What is a Eukaryote?
#3 These items are located in the cytoplasm. What are organelles?
#4 These cells contain chloroplasts and are surrounded by a cell wall. What are plant cells?
#5 These cells contain centrioles and cytoskeleton. What are animal cells?
Organelle functions
#1 This contains the cells genetic material and controls the cells activities What is the Nucleus?
#2 The jelly-like liquid that fills the space between the cell membrane and the nucleus. What is the cytoplasm?
#3 Provides support and protection for the cell by controlling what can enter or leave the cell. What is the cell membrane?
#4 Attaches carbohydrates and and lipids to protiens using enzymes What is the Golgi?
#5 This organelle breaks down old cell parts What are lysosomes?
Cell chemistry
#1 A student is collecting gas from a plant during the daytime and bright sun, what gas is being collected. What is oxygen?
#2 A molecule that can store energy for a short time and is ued to power all cell functions. What is ATP?
#3 Energy is released from ATP when this group is removed from the molecule. What is when a phospate group is removed?
#4 The main energy source for cells. What is glucose?
#5 A gas produced by the chloroplast. What is oxygen?
Energy organelles
#1 Name this organelle. What is a chloroplast?
#2 Name this organelle. What is a mitochondria?
#3 This organelle captures the sun's energy and stores it in gluclose molecules. What is a chloroplast?
#4 This process occurs in the chloroplast. What is photosynthesis?
#5 This process occurs in the mitochondria. What is cellular respiration.
Protein organelles
#1 This organelle is found inside of the nucleus and makes the ribosomes. What is the nucleolus?
#2 These small bodies actually make the proteins. What are ribosomes?
#3 Many ribosomes are often found covering the surface of this organelle. What is ER (endoplasmic reticulum)?
#4 This organelle modifies proteins after they are made. The smooth variety also prepares parts of the cell membrane. What is the ER (endoplasmic reticulum)?
#5 This organelle packages and prepares proteins to leave the cell. What is the Golgi?
Final Question