
Text Structure Review Answer Key

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#1 Gives an overall impression of a topic through sensory details or main idea and supporting details What is description?
#2 Organized as a series of events or steps in chronological order; a process What is sequence?
#3 Organized using events and their consequences What is cause-effect?
#4 Analyzes similarities and differences between or among characters, situations, concepts, or ideas What is compare-contrast?
#5 identifies obstacles and offers ways to resolve them What is problem-solution?
Signal Words
#1 During, next, following What is sequence?
#2 For instance, such as, most important What is description?
#3 In order to, consequently, this leads to What is cause-effect?
#4 On the other hand, resemble, although What is compare-contrast?
#5 This resulted in, one answer is, therefore What is problem-solution?
#1 Some people get goosebumps when they're scared; others get goosebumps only when they're cold. What is compare-contrast?
#2 Goose bumps make me shiver. I get little bumps on my skin. They look like little bubbles. What is description?
#3 Goose bumps make me shiver. First I get cold, and then I shake all over. What is sequence?
#4 Goose bumps make me shiver. But they disappear as soon as I cover up with a jacket or blanket. What is problem-solution?
#5 Goose bumps make me shiver. When the temperature drops below 45 degrees, my skin crinkles into goose bumps. What is cause-effect?
Questions Answered - Author's Purpose
#1 What is the problem? What are the possible solutions? What is oroblem-solution?
#2 What do these things have in common? What is compare-contrast?
#3 What is the main idea? What are the supporting details? What is description?
#4 What happened? In what order did events happen? What is seqence?
#5 What is the relationship between these events? What is cause-effect?
Just for Fun
#1 What day in October do we have off? The 25th
#2 What day does Halloween fall on? the 31st / a Thursday
#3 What is the name of the principal? Mrs. Kunze
#4 What are the school colors? Silver and Black
#5 What is the school mascot? The Raiders
Final Question
Name all five types of Text Structure we have studied: Main Idea, Compare and Contrast, Cause and Effect, Problem and Solution, Chronological Order