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Nature of Magnetism
#1 The region in which magnetic forces act magnetic field
#2 An example of ferromagnetic material Iron
#3 Magnet has two ends, each one called____________ a magnetic pole
#4 A cluster of billions of atoms that all have magnetic fields that are lined up in the same way. Magnetic Domain
#5 The type of magnetic mineral found in nature. Magnetite. Another is a lodestone
Inside a magnet
#1 The smallest particle of an element atom
#2 It is one of about 100 basic materials that make up all matter. Element
#3 The center of every atom is called__________ Nucleus
#4 Nuclear particles that carry a positive charge protons
#5 Tiny particles around the nucleus which carry a negative charge. electrons
Magnetic Earth
#1 A device that has a magnetized needle that can spin freely. compass
#2 What are the two magnetic poles of the Earth? North and South magnetic poles
#3 Does the compass needle point to the same place? Yes, to the magnetic north pole.
#4 The region around the earth which acts like a magnet is called_____. Magnet field
#5 How is earth like a magnet? Earth has a magnetic field and has a north magnetic pole and a south magnetic pole.
#1 A current-carrying coil of wire with many loops. solenoid
#2 What is a solenoid with a ferromagnetic (made of iron) core? Electromagnet
#3 What would happen if you increased the number of coils around a solenoid? The magnetic field of the solenoid would be strengthened.
#4 Why an electromagnet a temporary magnet? The temporary magnetic field of an electromagnet is produced by the current in the wire from the battery and the magnetized core.
#5 How is an electromagnet different from a permanent magnet? Electromagnet can be turned on and off; its strength can be increased by adding loops of coil, using more current, or using a different core.
How are electricity and magnetism related?
#1 A scientist who discovered that magnetism and electricity are related. Hans Christian Orsted
#2 The relationship between electricity and magnetism is called___________ Electromagnetism
#3 What happens to a compass needle when current flows through a wire? The compass needle will move.
#4 What flows through the wire when it is attached to the battery? electric current
#5 How does a flowing electric current create a magnetic field? When electric charges(electrons and protons) flow through a wire, it moved thus causes magnetism/magnetic filed around the wire
Final Question
Without changing the number of turns of wire, how could you change the strength of an electromagnet? You can change the size of the core or add a stronger battery.