
Chemical Bonding (CH 6 HRW) Answer Key

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Name That Bond
#1 The bond that forms the compound KCl. What is ionic?
#2 The bond between carbon and oxygen. What is polar covalent?
#3 The bond that forms nitrogen gas? What is nonpolar covalent?
#4 The bond that forms sulfur dioxide gas. What is nonpolar covalent?
#5 The type of bond that forms sodium sulfate. What is Ionic?
#1 These are outer shell electrons that are responsible for reactivity. What are valence electrons?
#2 The principle stating that atoms tend to form compounds by obtaining 8 outshell electrons. What is the Octet Rule?
#3 The measurement of the attraction or pull an atom has for electrons is called this. What is electronegativity?
#4 The name of the bond in which two atoms share four (4) electrons. What is a double bond?
#5 These groups of elements are more likely to share electrons that other on the periodic chart. What are non-metals?
Covalent Bonding
#1 Covalent bonds occuring when atoms do this. What is share electrons?
#2 Name this type of bond. What is a double bond?
#3 Name an element that can have single, double and triple bonds. What is: C, Si, N, P ?
#4 An unequal attraction or sharing of electrons results in this type of covalent bond. What is nonpolar?
#5 The units of compounds formed by covalent bonds are called this. What are molecules?
Ionic Bonds
#1 An atom that has gained an electron in an ionic bond is called this. What is a anion?
#2 Most ionic bonds are organized into these. What are crystals?
#3 Name two characteristics of an ionic substance. Solid (crystals), brittle, high melting point, dissolve in water
#4 A group of charged atoms that are covalently bonded together are called this. What are polyatomic ions?
#5 Ionic compounds typically contain what type of element. What are metals?
Anything Goes
#1 The electron sea represents this type of bonding. What is metallic bonding?
#2 Compounds that are liquides and easily vaporize at room temperature are formed by this type of bond. What are covalent bonds?
#3 Give one element that would likely bond WITH an anion. What is : any metal?
#4 This measurement is an indicator of how strong an ionic bond is. What is lattice energy?
#5 In order to draw a Lewis structure of a compound one must know this. The elements and the number of valence electrons.
Final Question
Draw the Lewis Structure for the nitrate ion.