
Solar System 5th Grade Answer Key

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Beyond the Asteroid Belt
#1 The 4 planets beyond the Asteroid Belt are? Jupiter,Saturn,Uranus and Neptune.
#2 What 2 planets outside the Asteroid Belt are? Saturn and Uranus.
#3 Which 2 planets have storm 'spots? Jupiter and Neptune.
#4 How many groups of rings does Saturn have? 7 groups.
#5 How many moons does Jupiter have? 63 moons.
Other Objects in Space
#1 What is a Meteor? A shooting star.
#2 Where is the asteroid Belt located? Between Mars and Jupiter
#3 What is a Comet? Wondering lumps of ice and dust with a glowing head and tail.
#4 What is a Dwarf planet? A small rocky planet farther than the outer planets.
#5 What is a Star? A big ball of gas that makes its own light and heat.
Planet Location
#1 Which place is Neptune in the Solar System? The 8th planet.
#2 Is Mercury or Mars first in the Solar System? Mercury.
#3 Which planet is bigger Jupiter or Saturn? Jupiter.
#4 Is Uranus or Neptune last in the Solar System? Neptune.
#5 Which 2 nplanets are considered sister planets? Earth and Venus.l
Physical Characteristics
#1 Which has side ways rings? Uranus.
#2 Which planet is known to have 'ears? Saturn.
#3 which planet is known as the 'red planet? Mars.
#4 Which planet si the smallest in our Solar System? (not counting Pluto) Mercury.
#5 Which planets are terrestrial planets? Mercury,Venus,EarthandMars.
Constellations and Zodiac Symbols (**Bonus**)
#1 How many stars does Tarus have ? 6 stars
#2 What is the big spoon constellation known as? The Big Dipper.
#3 Which Zodiac symbol looks like a crab? Canser.
#4 Which Zodiac symbol is based on a dark angel? Virgo.
#5 What is a Constellation? A group of stars that makes a shape.
Final Question