
Model UN jeopardy Answer Key

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United Nations trivia
#1 How many countries are in the United Nations? 193
#2 Where are the United Nations headquarters? New York, NY
#3 What are the official languages of the United Nations? Arabic, English, Chinese, French, Russian, Spanish
#4 What are the six principal organs of the United Nations? General Assembly, Security Council, Economic and Social Council,The Secretariat, International Court of Justice, Trusteeship Council
#5 Which of the six principal organs is currently inactive and what does it do? Trusteeship Council; helped colonies transition to full countries.
Basic MUN Terminology
#1 What is a delegate? A person who is representing a country.
#2 What is a placard? A card that delegates use to vote, ask questions, etc.
#3 Who is the dais? The Chair and Director of a committee.
#4 What is decorum? Etiquette for participating in committee.
#5 What is a quorum? The minimum number of delegates needed to do substantive work in committee.
Points and Motions
#1 What is a Point of Personal Privilege used for? Used to request changes for personal comfort (i.e. make microphone louder, make room cooler/warmer, turn on more lights).
#2 Who do you ask a Point of Information? Other delegates, after they are finished making speeches.
#3 When should you use a Point of Order? When you believe the Chair has made an error in the running of committee.
#4 When should you make a motion to Adjourn the Meeting? At the very end of Model UN, when it's time to go home.
#5 What does Tabling Debate do? Ends debate on a specific topic in order to move on to the next topic. Previous topic can be brought up again.
Rules of Procedure
#1 What is a suspension of the meeting? A recess or break in meeting.
#2 When should you set the agenda? At the beginning of committee, after opening speakers list.
#3 How do you set the speaker's time? Delegate makes motion, requires two speakers for and two speakers again.
#4 When should you use a Right of Response? When a delegate makes a statement in formal session that directly insults you or your country.
#5 What kind of voting majority is needed to initiate a role call vote? No vote is required.
Voting Bloc
#1 When does voting bloc happen? As the last step in committee.
#2 What are the two ways to enter voting bloc? 1. speakers list is exhausted, 2. motion for closure of debate.
#3 How many different ways can you vote in committee? Name them. 3: Yes, No, Abstain.
#4 What is a role call vote? A vote which forces all delegates to speak their vote out loud, in front of the whole committee.
#5 What is 'division of the question'? A motion used during voting bloc to separate part of a resolution from the whole.
Final Question
What is the difference between a procedural and a substantive vote? A procedural vote is for general conduct in committee (i.e. speakers time, suspension of meeting) whereas a substantive vote is on a topic (to pass a resolution or no)