
Forces REVIEW Jeopardy Answer Key

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#1 This happens when something changes position motion
#2 The measure of how fast something moves is its.... speed
#3 Motion is created by which type of force? unbalanced
#4 What is a common unit used to measure speed? miles per hour
#5 How do you know if something has moved? It has changed position.
#1 The force you use to play the piano push
#2 The force you use to open your locker pull
#3 The force that holds you on Earth gravity
#4 The instrument used to measure force spring scale
#5 The force of gravity on an object weight
#1 The force that acts against motion when two surfaces are touching friction
#2 The force that makes objects resist changes in motion inertia
#3 Motion happens when forces are..... unbalanced
#4 Slipping and falling on the ice is an example of decreased friction
#5 A soccer player's cleats are an example of increased friction
Units of Measure
#1 Unit used to measure force Newton
#2 Unit used to measure work joule
#3 7.5 m/sec speed
#4 80 mph North velocity
#5 Unit used to measure weight Newton
#1 The formula used to calculate work Work= force x distance
#2 The formula used to calculate force Force = mass x acceleration
#3 The formula used to calculate speed Speed = distance /time
#4 Formula used to measure density Density= mass/volume
#5 Formula used to calculate velocity Velocity=distance/time and add a direction
Final Question
What is the metric unit used to measure pushes and pulls? Newton