
Breast Cancer Awareness Answer Key

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#1 This should be done monthly from the age of 20 in order to check for breat cancer. What is a BSE (breat self-examination)?
#2 This is an X-ray of the breast and should be done yearly for women over 40. What is a mammogram?
#3 These are preventable behaviors that greatly increase your risk of breast cancer. What are smoking and drinking alcohol?
#4 This nationality is at a higher risk for breat cancer than women of other nationalities. What is African American?
#5 These are often seen as definite sign of breast cancer, but may be benign. What are lumps?
Myth or Fact?
#1 If I have a lump in my breast, I have breast cancer. Myth
#2 I'm too young to get breast cancer. Myth
#3 Wearing an underwire bra increases my risk of breast cancer? Myth
#4 Radiation from a mammogram does not cause breast cancer to spread. Fact
#5 1 of 8 Americans will develop invasive breast cancer over the course of her lifetime. Fact
Susan G. Komen
#1 What is the name of the first walk we did this year? Race for a Cure.
#2 What is the name of the second walk we did this year? Making Strides for Breast Cancer.
#3 True or False: Mammograms are inexpensive. False.
#4 This month is national breat cancer awareness month. What is October?
#5 True or false: young women more vulnerable to breast cancer. False/
#1 This is the main annual event of the American Cancer Society. What is Relay for Life?
#2 This is the second most diagnosed cancer in women. What is Breast Cancer?
#3 This percentage of MEN gets breast cancer. What is less than 1% but not 0?
#4 This many women are diagnosed with breat cancer every year. What is 200,000 women?
Final Question
True or False: More than 1 in 4 cancers in women (about 28%) are breast cancer. True.