
Subject/Predicate Answer Key

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#1 What is a subject? The subject tells whom or what the sentence is about.
#2 What is a simple subject? The simple subject is the main word or word group that tells whom or what the sentence is about.
#3 What is a complete subject? The complete subject consists of all words needed to tell whom or what the sentence is about.
#4 Under the lettuce was my tomato. my tomato
#5 The mean teacher assigned us homework. teacher
#1 What is a predicate? The predicate of a sentence tells something about the subject.
#2 What is a simple predicate? The simple predicate, or verb, is the main word or word group in the complete predicate.
#3 What is a complete predicate? The complete predicate consists of a verb and all the words that describe the verb and complete its meaning.
#4 Quickly we learned the layout of the small Hopi village. Quickly learned the layout of the small Hopi vilage.
#5 She is not going home early today. is going
Types of sentences
#1 What are the 4 kinds of sentences? dec, imp, exc, int
#2 What is an imperative sentence? a command or request
#3 What is an interrogative sentence? asks a question
#4 Help me find my umbrella! imp
#5 The boy did not study for his test. dec
S or SF
#1 What is a sentence? A sentence consists of a subject and predicate, expresses a complete thought.
#2 Go. S
#3 The boy going to school. SF
#4 When we did our homework last night. SF
#5 What music we make! S
#1 Running down the hall, the boy tripped.
#2 Behind us barked the dogs. S
#3 We will always complete our homework.
#4 Sometimes we bring our books to class.
#5 Who did not complete their homework last night?
Final Question