
Slavery in America- 2024 Answer Key

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To Tell the Truth
#1 T or F? Staple crops on Southern plantations included tobacco, cotton and rice T
#2 T or F? Slave codes provided many rights for the enslaved. F
#3 T or F? Slaves could marry one another freely. F
#4 T or F? The Erie Canal increased transportation and trade in the North and Midwest thus making it an economic powerhouse T
#5 T or F? The triangular trade route involved slave trading between W. Africa, The Americas and the Caribbean T
All Men are Created Equal
#1 T or False? Most slave quarters were a single room where many slept. T
#2 What was the primary reason that slavery took root in America? monetary gain
#3 T or F? Slave owning was concentrated in the mountain region of NC. F
#4 T or F? A person was considered a slave if their father was enslaved. T
#5 How did the Underground Railroad help slaves escape to freedom? Provided secret rooms and routes, provided food, supplies and safety
#1 What was the middle passage? a brutal sea journey in a boat across the Atlantic which brought the enslaved to America
#2 T or F? Slaves could be beaten, sold or sent away by a master at any time T
#3 Our Democracy is based on 3 ideals. Name them Natural Rights (unalienable), Popular Sovereignty, Rule of Law (law applies to ALL!)
#4 How many slaves were transported to the Americas between 1500 and 1800? Over 10 million
#5 The Abolitionists fought to end slavery. How did they do this? List 3 ways Gave speeches, started organizations, created pamphlets, got involved in politics, created legislation, worked in the Underground Railroad
#1 What does it mean to craft your own freedom? create your freedom
#2 When did the Abolitionist movement begin? 1830
#3 Which machine revolutionized the cotton industry? cotton gin
#4 What was the Missouri Compromise? Legislation that provided for the admission of Maine as a free state and Missouri as a slave state. It also outlawed slavery above the 36 degree latitude line in the remainder of the Louisiana territory
#5 When and where did the Industrial Revolution begin? How did the Industrial Revolution transform the north and the south differently? Great Britain, 1760, North Urban centers/factories South remained Rural/large plantations
Societal Change
#1 Which part of Africa were the enslaved from? West Africa
#2 What is racism? How did it impact American society? the belief that one race is superior/leads to discrimination and inequalities in society
#3 What did the Fugitive Slave Act of 1850 declare? Slaves could be returned to their owners even if living in a free state. Southern slave owners could go in to the North and kidnap those believed to be escaped slaves
#4 Name 3 effects of women working in the cotton mills of the Northeast women worked in jobs outside of the home, women made their own money, women became more active in the pursuit of rights, women became more educated
#5 Name the 5 features of enslaved entrepreneurship Growing up in poverty, opportunity, self agency, urgency and stress, pursuit
Final Question
Which 3 states receive the most snowfall? Alaska, New Hampshire, Vermont