
4th grade Test Prep Answer Key

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Test Taking
#1 What is the first step when reading a passage on the STAR test? Read the question first
#2 What do you do after you have read the question? Find the answer in the text.
#3 What should you do after you think you know the answer? You should read all the answers.
#4 What is the biggest mistake kids make when they answer the STAR? Choose the first answer that looks right.
#5 What are the most important words in the question? Question words who, what, when, where or how.
synonyms and antonyms
#1 What is the antonym for the word 'cause'? The antonym for 'cause' is 'effect.'
#2 What is the synonym for the word 'effect'? The synonym for 'effect' is 'result.'
#3 What is a synonym for the word 'indicate'? To show or demonstrate or point out.
#4 What is the synonym for the word 'directions'? The synonym for the word 'directions' is 'instructions'
#5 What is the antonym for the word 'before'? The antonym for the word 'before' is 'after.'
#1 Which words are most important in making a summary? The nouns are most important.
#2 What is the first step in making a summary? First, list the nouns
#3 What do you do after you list the nouns? Choose the most important nouns
#4 How do you know which are the most important nouns? The nouns that are repeated are the most important.
#5 What do you do after you choose the most important nouns? Write a sentence using those nouns.
Metaphors and similes
#1 He grew a tomato as a big as a pumpkin. Is it a simile or a metaphor? 'As big as a pumpkin' is a simile
#2 Her smile is like the sunshine. Is it a simile or a metaphor? 'Her smile is like the sunshine' is a metaphor.
#3 The new substitute teacher was a monster! Is it a simile or a metaphor? 'The new substitute teacher was a monster,' is a metaphor.
#4 His laughter was music to my ears. Is it a simile or a metaphor? 'His laughter is music to my ears' is a metaphor.
#5 My little brother so sticky he's like a big donut. Is it a simile or a metaphor? My brother is like a big donut' is a simile
#1 What is the best way to read a long word? Read a long word by breaking it into syllables.
#2 What are the syllables in the word 'little?' lit-tle
#3 What are the syllables in the word 'information?' in-for-ma-tion
#4 What is a prefix? A prefix is a part of a word that we put at the beginning of the word to change its meaning a little bit.
#5 What is a syllable? A syllable is a part of a word that has a vowel sound.
Final Question