
Freshman Success Midterm Part 2 Answer Key

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Nothing But
#1 When Philip learns he can't try out for the track team, he says Miss Narwin has it in for him.
#2 Is Miss Narwin's side of the story ever published in the newspaper? No. She speaks to a reporter, but other news replaces the article.
#3 Who said 'it doesn't matter if it's true or not true. It's what peole are saying that's important?' Dr. Seymour
#4 Who said Miss Narwin 'is so uptight' she's 'put together with superglue?' Philip
#5 How does Philip react when he reads the story in the paper about his suspension? Like he's read his own funeral notice.
the Truth
#1 Coach Jamison is unwilling to help Philip because Philip deoesn't take responsibility for his actions, not a team player.
#2 Who said 'Look Philip, you did a number on Miss have to be a team player?' Coach Jamison
#3 Philip's story becomes national news after The story is picked up by a national wire service and distributed across the United States.
#4 Miss Narwin says she needs some time to think. This is said to ? A St Louis newspaper reporter.
#5 When Philip's father asks him about track, he says He doesn't plan to try out.
#1 Parallel structure is keeping all things in the same tense. Eg. She likes smimming, hiking and biking.
#2 An American Flag is a symbol because it represents an idea - something more important than the fabric it's made of.
#3 The correct format for a date in MLA style is day month year e.g. 16 December 2019
#4 Formatting for the heading of an MLA paper is Student name, Teacher's name, Class, Date
#5 When citing a quote you put the words in ? and the author's name in ? quotation marks/parenthesis e.g. 'you are a stellar student' (Malinovitz).
A Separate Peace
#1 Finny's character is described as One who can get away with anything because of his charm.
#2 By the end of the story we know the tree symbolizes Finny's downfall
#3 The setting for the story is a private school in New Hampshire.
#4 The story is told by Gene using which literary term? Flashback.
#5 A possible theme of the story is living in peace with oneself and/or making peace with our actions.
#1 Prevaricate means not telling the truth - in a sneaky way
#2 Variegate means altering appearance by adding color
#3 Formidable means strong enough to arouse fear or awe
#4 Cynical means believing the worst about a situation
#5 Cursory means quick, not thorough
Final Question
Sententious means talking down to someone by citing morals and ethics.