
Human Body Systems Jeopardy Answer Key

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Digestive System
#1 Which of the following is not part of the digestive system: small intestine, stomach, esophagus, or trachea? Your trachea is not part of the digestive system!
#2 Where does the energy your cells need come from? Energy your cells need come from nutrients.
#3 What part of the digestive system do wastes leave your body? Wastes leave your body through the large intestine.
#4 Your _________________ __________________ secrete saliva that helps to soften your food. SALIVARY GLANDS!
#5 Your liver produces a digestive juice called ______________, which helps in absorption and breaking down of foods.. BILE!
Respiratory System
#1 What is a gas that your body makes and then gets rid of? Carbon dioxide
#2 True or False. Air you breathe in moves through the trachea. True! Air you breathe always passes through the trachea.
#3 This main muscle, located under the lungs, is used in the respiratory system. What is the diaphragm.
#4 True or False. Oxygen is a waste product. False. Oxygen is not a waste product.
#5 These are the two tubes that take air onto the lungs. What are bronchi?
Nervous System
#1 Nerves connect all parts of your body with what main organ? Nerves connect all parts of your body with your brain.
#2 What are the three main parts of the nervous system? The nerves, brain, and spinal cord are the three main parts of the nervous system
#3 Nerves in your face connect directly with the brain. True! Nerves in your face connect directly to the brain.
#4 What do all systems of the body have in common? All systems of the body contain cells!
#5 What organ tells all other parts of your body what to do? Your BRAIN tells all other parts of your body what to do!
Circulatory System
#1 What kind of blood cells help you fight illness? White blood cells help you fight illness.
#2 What are blood vessels that carry blood back to your heart called? Veins are blood vessels that carry blood back to your heart called?
#3 What connects arteries to veins? Capillaries connect arteries and veins!
#4 True or False. The circulatory system brings nutrients to your cells and takes waste from your cells. True! The circulatory system does all of that and more!
#5 What is the main organ of the Circulatory System? The HEART is the main organ of the Circulatory System.
Muscular/Skeletal System
#1 What are the three types of muscles in your body? Cardiac muscle, skeletal muscle, and smooth muscle.
#2 Which of the following is not a joint: swing, hinge, ball-and-socket, or immovable? A swing joint is NOT a type of joint!
#3 What do all of your bones make up in your body? All of your bones make up your skeleton.
#4 A ____________ is where two bones in your body meet. A JOINT is where two bones in your body meet.
#5 How many bones are there in an adult human body? 206 bones!
Final Question
What are a group of organs working together called? A group of organs working together are called a body system!