
Cardiology Game Answer Key

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#1 What is the largest blood vessel in the human body? Aorta
#2 What sound is caused by abnormal blood flow between heart chambers? Murmur
#3 What is the term for thickened muscle in the heart wall? Hypertrophic cardiomyopathy (or HCM)
#4 What are the arteries that crown the outside of the heart? Coronary arteries
#5 Which vessels carry deoxygenated blood into the right atrium? Inferior and superior vena cava
Blood Tests
#1 Which cardiac enzyme rises within 6 hours after damage to heart cells? CPK (or Creatine Phosphokinase)
#2 Which elevated blood lipid is associated with coronary artery disease? LDL (or low-density lipoprotein)
#3 Which cardiac enzyme rises 1 to 3 days after a heart attack but normalizes in 14 days? LDH (or Lactic Dehydrogenase)
#4 Which cardiac enzyme rises 6 to 10 hours after a heart attack but normalizes in 3 to 4 days? AST (or Serum Aspartate Aminotransferase)
#5 Which elevated blood lipid is associated with decreased risk of myocardial infarction? HDL (or high-density lipoprotein)
#1 What does a P-wave represent in an electrocardiogram? Atrial depolarization
#2 What does a QRS-complex represent in an electrocardiogram? Ventricular depolarization
#3 What does a T-wave represent in an electrocardiogram? Ventricular repolarization
#4 A patient who has a P-wave before each QRS-complex has what kind of rhythm? Sinus
#5 ST-segment elevation is often associated with what condition? MI (or myocardial infarction)
Cardiac Drugs
#1 A patient with angina and high blood pressure is often prescribed which blocker? Calcium channel blocker
#2 A patient with atrial fibrillation is often prescribed which drug made of foxglove? Digoxin
#3 A patient with edema and shortness of breath is often prescribed a diuretic called? Lasix (or furosemide)
#4 A patient whose blood tends to clot is often given an anticoagulant from clover called? Warfarin (or Coumadin)
#5 What kind of adrenaline blocker cannot be given to asthmatics? Beta-blocker (or propranolol)
Cardiac Surgery
#1 What is a tube to keep a blocked artery open called? Stent
#2 What does the acronym CABG ('cabbage') stand for? Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
#3 What does the acronym TAVR stand for? Transcatheter Aortic Valve Replacement
#4 A patient with arrhythmia, fatigue, and fainting might be implanted with which device? Pacemaker (or ICD)
#5 The catheter passed from the right side of the heart into lung arteries to measure blood flow is called? Swan-Ganz
Final Question
The S1 sound ('lubb') corresponds to the closure of the mitral and which other valve? Tricuspid