
American Revolution Answer Key

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Why We Fight
#1 Import Tax customs duty
#2 Original colony/site of original Thanksgiving/Bunker Hill battle Massachusetts
#3 Name 6 of the original colonies MA, NH, RI, CT, NY, NJ, MD, PA, DE, VA, NC, SC, GA
#4 Lawmaking body in Great Britain Parliament
#5 Act which Patriots rebelled against which forced them to pay duties for documents identifying their goods Stamp Act
Give Me Liberty
#1 Citizens upset about taxes under the leadership and corruption of Governor Tryon Regulators
#2 Three reasons for rebellion in the colonies unfair taxes, corrupt leaders, taxation without representation
#3 4 Laws passed by Parliament in 1725 in response to the Boston Tea Party/intended to punish the citizens of Massachusetts Intolerable Acts
#4 A formal written request to someone in authority signed by a group petition
#5 Act which required the colonies to house British soldiers and provide for them Quartering Act
New Life
#1 The act of trying to overthrow a government revolution
#2 Colony where most immigrants had originally settled in the New World before coming to the NC colony PA
#3 List 3 reasons for immigration to the Carolina colony land, better life, religious freedom
#4 A plan designed by Ben Franklin to organize colonies under a more central government/voted against Albany Plan of Union
#5 Region of earliest development in the Carolina colony/home to the earliest seat of government Coastal Plains
Changing Scenery
#1 The area just behind a settled area frontier
#2 First Revolutionary War Battle Lexington and Concord
#3 ________is a set of rules and procedures for government constitution
#4 Backcountry residents paid taxes to help build this/the NC Governor's mansion Tryon Palace
#5 Event in Boston where 5 civilians were killed by British soldiers/Paul Revere illustrated the event Boston Massacre 1770
United We Stand
#1 Battle between Gov. Tryon's militia and the Regulators Battle of Alamance
#2 A group of citizen soldiers militia
#3 County declaring independence from British rule prior to the signing of the Declaration of Independence/Quote on NC license plate Mecklenburg, NC/"First in Freedom"
#4 What does inalienable mean as used in the Declaration of Independence? unable to be taken away
#5 T or F? Enslaved African Americans sided with the British during the French and Indian War. Native Americans sided with the British during the French and Indian War. T/T
Final Question
What are the three inalienable rights? life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness