
CS 370 exam review Answer Key

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OOD Principles
#1 It is acceptable to make B a subclass of A only if, for every public method with identical signatures in both A and B, the preconditions for A are no stronger than the preconditions for B and the postconditions for A are no weaker than the postconditions for B. What is the Liskov Substitution Principle?
#2 Software entities, including code and data, should not be duplicated. What is the DRY Principle (Don't Repeat Yourself)?
#3 You can pick your friends, and you can pick your nose, but you can’t pick your friend’s nose. What is the Law of Demeter?
#4 A class should have only one reason to change. What is the Single Responsibility Principle?
#5 Many client-specific interfaces are better than one general-purpose interface. What is the Interface Segregation Principle?
Qualities of Elegant Software
#1 Code and design should be easy for another programmer to understand. What is readability?
#2 Software should deal with unusual situations gracefully and avoid crashing. What is robustness?
#3 Software should perform correctly and efficiently when problems grow in size by several orders of magnitude. What is scalability?
#4 Software defects can be found and fixed without introducing new defects. What is maintainability?
#5 New features can be added without breaking existing features. What is extensibility?
Elegant Method Design
#1 These conditions document what should be true before and after executing a method. What are preconditions and postconditions?
#2 This quality means that few internal comments are needed to understand method code. What is self-documenting code?
#3 All code within a method should be at a similar __________. What is level of abstraction?
#4 A method that does just one thing (and does it well) has this quality. What is cohesion?
#5 This principle states that a method should either change object state or return a value, but not both. What is the Command-Query Separation Principle?
Software Development Tools & Processes
#1 The process of revising code to make it more elegant without changing its functionality. What is refactoring?
#2 Planning Poker is a game for accomplishing this software development task. What is estimation?
#3 These cards are used to design classes and their relationships. What are Class-Responsibility-Collaborator (CRC) cards?
#4 Git is an example of this general category of tools. What is a Version (or Revision) Control System?
#5 A contrast to the Waterfall Model, this kind of software development process involves brief iterations through the entire software development cycle What is agile software development?
OOP Terminology
#1 Like an interface, this kind of class cannot be instantiated. What is an abstract class?
#2 Both of these Java keywords should be used when defining a constant. What are static and final?
#3 This term describes when a class has two methods with the same name but different parameters. What is overloading?
#4 This process means that the Java runtime environment, when asked to invoke a method on an object. looks at the actual class of the object to find the method implementation to execute. What is dynamic method invocation?
#5 This property allows objects of different classes to share a common type. What is subtype polymorphism?
Final Question
This principle states: Abstractions should not depend on details. Details should depend on abstractions. Or: Code to interfaces, not classes. What is the Dependency Inversion Principle?