
Vertebrates and Invertebrates Answer Key

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#1 Animals are divided into 2 groups. Name them. Vertebrates and invertebrates
#2 Which is the largest group? Vertebrates or invertebrates Invertebrates
#3 What is different about a sponge than other animals? It does not move about
#4 Name 3 animals with a backbone. Human, snake, bird, frog
#5 Name 3 animals without a backbone. squid, insect, spider, jellyfish
Animals Part 2
#1 Name a reptile that gives birth to live young garter snake
#2 The hard outer covering that supports and protects some animals without backbones. exoskeleton
#3 to shed an animal's hard outer covering molt
#4 How are a jellyfish and a starfish alike? Different? no backbone; soft body, hard covering
#5 Name at least three characteristics of a mammal. Live young, feed their young milk, hair on its body, has a backbone.
Animals Part 3
#1 An animal with a backbone that lives part of its life in water and part on land. amphibian
#2 An animal with dry scaly skin reptile
#3 Name 2 birds that do not fly. ostrich, penguin
#4 Name one way a bird and a reptile are alike. backbone, lay eggs
#5 What group of animals begin their lives in water? amphibians
Insect or Not?
#1 Name 2 insects. ant, cricket, grasshopper, butterfly
#2 Bones in a bird are lightweight because________? they are hollow
#3 Name the characteristics of a spider. 4 paris of legs, 2 body parts
#4 an organ for breathing found in fish and amphibians gill
#5 Name the specifications of an insect. (must name body parts also) 3 paris of jointed legs, 3 body parts (head, thorax, abdomen)
#1 The way a living thing acts is called its ______. behavior
#2 A simple automatic action..... reflex
#3 inborn behavior instinct
#4 Animals watch their mothers to learn many behaviors. T or F true
#5 What is different about a litter of animals? color of hair, eyes
Final Question