
Ser vs. Estar Answer Key

Play This Game

#1 Yo form - ser soy
#2 Tú form - ser eres
#3 Ella - ser es
#4 uds. - ser son
#5 nosotros - ser somos
#1 yo - estar estoy
#2 Tú - estar estás
#3 Ud. - estar está
#4 nosotros - estar estamos
#5 ellos - estar están
Ser o Estar
#1 To talk about charactaristics (longterm) Ser
#2 To talk about relationships Ser
#3 To talk about how you feel (at the moment) Estar
#4 To talk about where you are from (origin) Ser
#5 To talk about where you are (at the moment) Estar
Fill in the blank
#1 Yo ________ de Costa Rica. soy
#2 Nosotros ________ en la escuela. estamos
#3 Ella ________ contenta. está
#4 Uds. ________ estudiantes. son
#5 Tú ________ estudiando. estás
#1 I am tired. Estoy consada.
#2 We are busy. Estamos ocupados.
#3 He is tall. Él es alto.
#4 They are bald. Ellos son calavos.
#5 You formal are brunet. Ud. es moreno.
Final Question
Which acronyms go with which verbs and what are their meanings? DOCTOR ELF