
The Westing Game - Chapters 17 - 20 Test Review Answer Key

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Chapter 17: Some Solutions
#1 What indication is there that the heirs were jittery? They keep calling the bomb squad to check things.
#2 After reexamining their clues, who does Grace and Mr. Hoo think is involved in the mystery? The lawyer, Ed Plum just because he was a lawyer.
#3 Who does Theo discover when he analyzes his clues? The formula for an explosive and the name of a suspect.
#4 Why does Theo think that he must be dreaming? Crow pulls him into her room and he prays with her.
#5 Why does Theo think Otis is the murderer? When he puts his clues together, the leftover letters spell Otis.
Chapter 18: The Trackers
#1 Why does Turtle think that it would be a good idea to call Flora Baumbach by another name? Because everyone thinks she is sying bomb when she calls her.
#2 Who was Rosalie? She was Flora Baumbach's daughter.
#3 What assignment does Theo give to Doug Hoo? To follow Otis Amber.
#4 What does the letter say that Otis Amber delivered to Doug? It said to be at the house on Saturday.
#5 How does Chris feel at the prospect of being taken hostage by Doctor Deere? He is thrilled with the attention.
Chapter 19: Odd Relatives
#1 How did Turtle defend the use of the radio in school? She said it helped her toothache.
#2 To whom is Crow referring when she uses the term 'foot butcher'? Dr. Wexler
#3 Who does Otis Amber accuse of being responsible for the bombings? Mr. Hoo
#4 According to the judge, what is Westing's first mistake? He invited Sydelle Pulaski instead of Sybil Pulaski.
#5 What unusual fact does Judge Ford find out about Mrs. Wexler? She is related to the cleaning woman.
Chapter 20: Confessions
#1 Why was Theo in the hospital? He was hurt in a chemistry experiment explosion.
#2 Why didn't Doug's feet hurt when he was trailing Otis Amber? He had the paper insoles.
#3 Who did Judge Ford think the heirs needed to protect? Sam Westing's ex-wife.
#4 Why did George Theodorakis falter while telling the story of Violet Westing? He had been in love with her.
#5 Who does Judge Ford believe must be protected and why? Berthe Crow because she believes Crow is Westing's ex-wife.
...A Toss Up...
#1 What happened to the Westing Paper Products stock in Chapter 20? It was the highest ever.
#2 How does Chris presume jthe blank envelope ended up in his bathrobe? He thinks Theo put it there to give to Angela.
#3 Why does Dr. Deere take Chris to the hospital? To get a new treatment for his ailment that doesn't involve surgery.
#4 Why does Judge Ford decide to move her investigation away from the Westings and onto the heirs? She can't get private information released about the Westings.
#5 PATERNAL (definition)
Final Question
How does Judge Ford react when told by Sandy that Jake Wexler is a bookie? She says she is sure he is a small time operator and that even though Mr. Westing never placed a bet, smoked, or drank, she preferred a bookie to him any day.