
Perimeter, Area, and Volume Answer Key

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#1 What is the perimeter of the following polygon: 19 units
#2 What is the perimeter of a square when one side equals 6 inches. 24 inches
#3 What is the perimeter of the following polygon: 30 feet
#4 What is the perimeter of the following shape: 34 units
#5 What is the perimeter of the shaded area: 40 units
#1 What is the area of a rectangle when one side equals 6 and the other side equals 9. 54 square units
#2 What is the area of a square when one side equals 7 inches. 49 square inches
#3 What is the formula for area? Length x Width
#4 What is the area of the following figure: 58 square units
#5 What is the area of the shaded area: 55 square units
#1 What is the volume of a rectangular prism with the following measurments: Lenght = 2 Width = 5 and Height = 7 70 cubic units
#2 What is the volume of this rectangular prism? 45 cubic meters
#3 What is the formula for volume? Length x Width x Height
#4 What is the volume of this cube? 216 cubic units
#5 What is the volume of a cube with a length of 4 cm. 64 cubic centimeters
3-D Shapes
#1 What is the name of the following shape? sphere
#2 What is the name of the following shape? rectangular prism
#3 Name the three parts of a cube. Face, vertex, and edge
#4 What is the name of the following shape? Rectangular pyramid
#5 What shape would this net make? Triangular prism
#1 4 x 2 x 5 = 40
#2 (17 - 9) x (29 - 21) = 64
#3 Line segment r is called the ____________________ of the circle. radius
#4 If line segment r on the cirlce equals 4 inches what is the diameter and circumference of the circle? diameter = 8 inches and Circumference = 24 inches
#5 solve for p if (3 x p) + (4 x p) = 35 p = 5
Final Question
Jean loves to go birdwatching. One day, she saw 7 birds. The next day, she saw 11 birds. The next day, she saw no birds. What is the average number of birds Jean saw each day? 6