
Earth Science Answer Key

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Weathering or Erosion or Deposition
#1 Flood water pounds against canyon walls. Weathering
#2 Waves take away part of the beach. Erosion
#3 Ponds filling up with sediment and becoming marshes. Deposition
#4 The wind creating a hole through a rock. Weathering
#5 Deltas forming at the mouth of a river. Deposition
#1 There are how many types of volcanoes? 3
#2 Active volcanoes realease what 3 things? ash, magma, and gas
#3 What is hot lava? the magma that has reached the earth's surface and flowed out of the volcano
#4 What is a dormant volcanoe? Sleeping volcano
#5 Name the 3 types of volcanoes. Cindercone, Sheild, Composite/Stratovolcanoes
Tectonic Plates
#1 What are tectonic plates? rock layer of the Earth's crust
#2 When tectonic plates shift what can occur? Earthquake
#3 When tectonic plates pull apart what can occur? Volcano
#4 How many types of plate boundaries are there? Three
#5 What are the plate boundaries names? Divergent, Convergent, Transform
Landslide and T'sunami/Weathering/Erosion/Depostion
#1 This is the sliding down of mud from Earth's surface. Landslide
#2 When an earthquake under the ocean has occured what can happen? T'sunami
#3 The movement of weathered rock is called what? Erosion
#4 The breaking down of rock is called what? Weathering
#5 This is the dropping of eroded materials to a new location. Deposition
#1 Name the two types of weathering. Mechanical and Chemical
#2 What is mechanical weathering? The physical break down of rock
#3 What is chemical weathering? The chemical breakdown of rock
#4 Describe Oxidation. oxygen combining with other chemicals to form a new substance
#5 Name the agents that are the cause of Weathering and Erosion water, wind, ice, and plants
Final Question