
Macbeth Jeopardy Answer Key

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#1 Who are the witches planning on meeting in the beginning? Macbeth
#2 What title is given to Macbeth? Thane of Cawdor
#3 What happened to the original Thane? He was executed for betrayal of his country.
#4 What does Lady Macbeth plan to do for the King? To have him murdered.
#5 What does Lady Macbeth mean when she says 'unsex me' She would rather be a man and have more power than her husband.
#1 What does Macbeth wish the knocking could do? Wake Duncan from death.
#2 What symbolism does Lady Macbeth's fainting have? It makes everyone think that she is very shocked.
#3 How are Lady Macbeth's actions an example of irony? She looks like she cares but she planned the entire thing.
#4 What does Macbeth do in his first soliloquy? Convince himself he is doing the right thing.
#5 Why do Malcolm and Donalbain decide to flee? They know that Macbeth murdered the King and are afraid that they may be the next to be killed.
#1 What does the ghost of Banquo do to Macbeth's paranoia? It makes him completely insane.
#2 Why does Macbeth have Banquo killed? Macbeth knows his he will 'father Kings'
#3 How does Lady Macbeth make her husband feel better after seeing the ghost? She gets him to go to sleep.
#4 What happens when the murderers try to kill Banquo and his son? They kill Banquo but let his son Fleance escape.
#5 Why does Macbeth hire murderers to kill Banquo? He doesn't want to feel anymore guilty than he already is.
#1 What action is taken by Macduff and Malcolm? They decide that now is the best time to go to battle with Macbeth and they make moves towards ordering the army to move out.
#2 How does Macbeth react to Macduff's departure? He decides that he will destroy all that Macduff has.
#3 What does Macbeth learn from the witches? He should be afraid of Macduff.
#4 How does Macduff react to the news that his family has been slaughtered? He regrets leaving them and not warning them. He feels that he should have been there to defend them.
#5 What are the witches doing at the beginning of this act? They are making a brew and waiting for Macbeth...naked ;)
#1 What significance does the doctor have? He sees and hears the confession of Lady Macbeth while he is trying to diagnose her condition.
#2 Why won't the doctor or the lady tell anyone what they have seen or heard? They fear Macbeth will have them murdered.
#3 What is Macbeth's current psychological condition? He is nearing insanity.
#4 What is said that frightens Macbeth before he is killed by Macduff? Macduff tells Macbeth that he was ripped from his mother's womb at an untimely moment.
#5 Who decides who becomes king and who does he choose? Macduff decides that Malcolm should be king since he was the next in line for the throne.
Final Question
Who helped produce the movie 'Macbeth'? (Hint: There was nudity!!!) Hugh Hefner