
Eastern Health Final Answer Key

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Health Basics
#1 The type of environment that is safe, clean, and positive Physical Environment
#2 The collective customs and behaviors of a group Culture
#3 Information recieved from TV, newspapers, and/or websites Media & Technology
#4 A physical trait passed froma parent to their child Heredity
#5 Hanging around friends who smoke, drink, rob and steal Social Environment
Mental Health
#1 What are the three stages of the body alarm system? Alarm, Resistance, fatigue
#2 What is the best way to describe OCD? A mental disorder where people feel the need to check things repeatedly, have certain thought repeatedly
#3 A mental disorder is A mental illness that prevents an individual from living a happy, healthy and productive life
#4 What are the four major mental disorder categories? Anxiety, mood, eating, impluse
#5 Which mental disorder category would seasonal affective disorder fall under? Mood (Seasons changing, loss of light, etc)
Immune System
#1 What is the immune system and what does it do for our body? Be specific Fights of diseases, bacteria and viruses naturally. Our bodys strength system (Wbc's)
#2 What is mucus? What is cilia? Why are they significant to the immune system? Mucus- Catches foreign particles that we breathe in // Cilia- Sweeps them up in the form of coughing, sneezing, spitting, etc.
#3 What is a vaccine? What is immunity? What does it do for our bodys? What is a Anibody? Medicine prior to coming in contact with the disease or virus (ex: flu shot, small pox shot)//
#4 List 4 different ways a disease can be transferred Air, direct contact, inject(blood), Insects
#5 What are the six steps to the chain of infection? Explain each causitive agent, resevoir, portal of entry, mode of transmission, portal of exit, susceptible host
CPR/ First Aid
#1 When giving hands only CPR, how many chest compressions should you give in a one minute period? at least 100
#2 What is the difference between a sprain and a strain? Sprain- Joints/bones Strain- Muscles
#3 What is R.I.C.E? Rest, ice, compression, elevation
#4 How deep should you push on the victims chest? 2 inches
#5 What are the correct steps for providing hands only cpr? Check the scene, check for consciousness, dial 911, push hard and fast in the center of the chest and get an AED
Drugs & Alcohol
#1 What is a hallucinogen Drug that causes an individual to hallucinate, lose touch with reality
#2 What are steroids? In what ways can they be used? Steroids- build muscle, help with speedy recovery. Can be used medically for patients suffering with cancer, injuries, asthma, etc. Used to strengthen sick individuals, not enhance the healthy.
#3 What is the difference between a depressant and a stimulant? Depression- Drug that slows down body fuctions Stimulant- Drug that speeds up body functions and heart-rate
#4 What is the difference between drug use and drug abuse? Drug use- medically prescribed Drug Abuse- not medically prescribed
#5 What does it mean to be dependent on a drug? What are the symptoms called when an addict is trying to get off the drug? Dependent- Need for the body to fuction ---- Withdrawl symptoms
Final Question