
Chapter 3: The Biosphere Answer Key

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What is Ecology?
#1 What is any LIVING part of an ecosystem. Biotic Factor
#2 What is a population? A group of individuals that belong to the same species and live in the same area.
#3 What is ecology? The scientific study of the interactions between organisms and their physical environment
#4 A group of different populations that live together in a defined area. Community
#5 A group of ecosystems that share similar climates and typical organisms. Biome
Energy, Producers, and Consumers
#1 What type of consumer eats only other animals? Carnivore
#2 What does a scavenger eat? The carcasses (leftovers) of other animals.
#3 An ____________ eats both plants and animals. Omnivore
#4 Carbon Dioxide, Water and Sunlight react to form Glucose(sugar) and Oxygen. What is this process called? Photosynthesis
#5 Primary Producer : Autotroph :: Consumer : ___________ Heterotroph
Energy Flow in Ecosystems
#1 Which direction does the arrow point in a food chain or food web? Towards the organism that consumes or eats the other.
#2 Who are the recyclers in a food chain or a food web? Decomposers and detritivores
#3 What is a trophic level? Each step in a food chain or food web
#4 The total amount of living tissue within a given trophic level is what? Biomass
#5 If you were to cause a disturbance in a food chain or food web, what would happen to that food chain or food web? Parts of the food web or food chain would begin to die.
Cycles of Matter
#1 Biogeochemical cycles cover what three things? Life, Earth, and chemical cycles.
#2 Nitrogen fixation is when nitrogen ______ is converted into nitrogen _____________ Gas; Compounds
#3 What is denitrification? Conversion of nitrogen compounds into nitrogen gas by bacteria.
#4 A nutrient whose availability limits productivity is what? A limiting nutrient
#5 How do humans participate in biogeochemical cycles? They are living things so they use biological processes, and through mining, burning fossil fuels, clearing land, farming, manufacturing, and more
Chapter 3
#1 What is an abiotic factor? A nonliving part of an ecosystem.
#2 What is all the organisms that live in a place, together with their physical environment. Ecosystem
#3 An herbivore is a consumer that eats only what? Plants
#4 What type of consumer chemically breaks down organic matter? Decomposer
#5 How much energy is passed from one level to the next in a pyramid of energy? 10%
Final Question
What are the five steps in the water cycle that we filled in on our worksheet? Precipitation, surface runoff, evaporation, condensation, and transpiration.