
3rd Grade Geometry Jeopardy Review Answer Key

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Oh, Polygons!
#1 This is a three sided figure. triangle
#2 This is a five sided figure. It is also a government building. pentagon
#3 This is a six sided figure. hexagon
#4 This is an eight sided figure. It is also the shape of a traffic sign. octagon
#5 This is a four sided figure. quadrilateral
#1 True or False:Circles are polygons false
#2 A quadrilateral with only 1 pair of parallel sides. trapezoid
#3 This figure has 4 right angles and all sides are equal rhomus
#4 The smartboard is what type of quadrilateral rectangle
#5 This quadrilateral has 4 right angles and all side equal. square
All About Angles
#1 An angle is formed when these two things meet. rays
#2 The point where two rays meet to form an angle is called the: vertex
#3 Angles that measure greater than 90 degrees are: obtuse angles
#4 Angles that measure less than 90 degrees are: acute angles
#5 True or False: Not all polygons have angles false
Lines are Everywhere!
#1 Lines that intersect at right angles to each other are: perpendicular
#2 Lines that cross over one another are: intersecting lines
#3 A section of a line that contains two endpoints is called a line segment
#4 A line that has one endpoint and then a continuous line is called a ray
#5 True or False: A line never ends. True
Can't Have Triangles without Angles!
#1 A triangle with no equal sides or angles is a scalene triangle
#2 A triangle with 3 equal sides and 3 equal angles is an equilateral triangle
#3 This triangle has 2 equal sides and 2 equal angles. isosceles
#4 A right triangle has one angle that is exactly how many degrees? 90
#5 True or False: A right triangle has two acute angles. true
Final Question
Study an example of a cube. How many faces, edges, and vertices are there? 6 faces, 12 edges, 8 vertices