

Play This Game

#1 What does the 'E' in NURSE stand for? Evidence
#2 What is the first thing you write after you write your name on the test? P.I.E. and NURSE
#3 What strategydo you use if the TAKS question is asking you to choose the best summary? BME
#4 What does P.I.E. stand for? Persuade, Inform, Entertain
#5 What four things do we underline in our TAKS READING PASSAGE? Title, Main Idea, Evidence and Bolded Vocaulary Words
Story Elements
#1 What is Plot? What happens in the story.
#2 What is Setting? Where the story takes place.
#3 What is Conflict? Problem in a story.
#4 What is Resolution? How the problem is solved.
#5 What is Cause? What is Effect? Cause is WHY something happened. Effect is WHAT happened.
Reading 1
#1 What do good readers do before they read? Preview the reading passage and questions.
#2 What does it mean to infer? Using details from the story and your own life experience to understand what the author is trying to say.
#3 What is Author's Purpose? Why did they write it!
#4 What is Author's View? Attitude! How the author feels or expresses their opinion.
#5 What is Author's Organization? The pattern an author uses to organize story. For example sequential order.
Reading 2
#1 Give me an example of something we have read in class where the Author is tring to PERSUADE the reader. Example: Georgia O'Keefe
#2 Give me an example of something we have read in class where the author is trying to Inform the reader? Example: National Geographic
#3 Give me an example of something we have read in class where theh author is trying to entertain the reader? Example: Tale of Desperaux
#4 Define the definition of FACT and give me an example of a FACT statement. Fact*A statement that can be proven.
#5 Define the definition of OPINION and give me an example of an OPINION statement. Opinion* An opinion expresses a feeling, idea or belief.
#1 What can you do if you finish your test and there are still people testing? Read or Sleep
#2 What should you do the night before the test? Get a good nights sleep!
#3 What should you do the morning of the test? Eat a good breakfast.
#4 What do you do if you are stuck on a problem that you don't know the answer to? Skip the problem and come back later OR eliminate the 'bad' answers and make a GUESS!
#5 Who is the best Reading Teacher ever?????????????????? If you said Mrs. Vasquez YOU ARE RIGHT!
Final Question