
C and E Chapter 1 Cells Answer Key

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#1 An organism's ability to maintain stable internal conditions What is homeostasis?
#2 A structure that provides support and is found in only plant cells What is a cell wall?
#3 This organelle is more numerous in active cells such as muscles What are mitochondria?
#4 He was the first scientist to use the term "cell" Who is Robert Hooke?
#5 These are the basic unit of structure and function in living things What are cells?
#1 An organism that can manufacture it's own food What is an autotroph?
#2 This is the ability to make things look larger What is magnification?
#3 These are the tiny cell structures that carry out specific functions within a cell What are organelles?
#4 In the nucleus, this contains the instructions that direct the functions of the cell What is chromatin?
#5 The grain like organelles (made in the nucleolus) that make proteins What are ribosomes?
#1 A change in an organism's environment that causes a reaction What is stimulus (stimuli)?
#2 The ability to clearly distinguish the individual parts of an object What is resolution?
#3 These organelle capture energy from the sun and turn it to food ( in plant cells only) What are chloroplasts?
#4 The region between the cells membrane and the nucleus What is the cytoplasm?
#5 An organism whose cell contain a nuclei are called What is a eukaryote?
#1 This is the change an organism goes through to become an adult What is development?
#2 The first scientist to see animalcules, or tiny living things Who was Anton van Leeuwenhoek?
#3 Francesco Redi disproved this theory by showing flies did not arise from meat What is spontaneous generation?
#4 These are the major gases in the atmosphere today What is oxygen and nitogen?
#5 The cell walls in plants and bacteria are made of What is cellulose?
#1 These organism are made up of many cells What are multicellular organisms?
#2 The dense in cells portion containing nucleic acid is the What is the nucleus?
#3 These organisms depend on others to make their food What are heterotrophs?
#4 These do not have a nucleus ( like bacteria) What is a prokaryote?
#5 This type of microscope has more than one lens What is a compound microscope?
Final Question
What was the importance of the experiment performed by Urey and Miller? It showed that organism can form from small chemical units can join together to form proteins which are the building block of life.